10:00-17:00 Thursday January 23rd, 2020
G316, Newman Building, University College Dublin
How can we compute the probability of a hypothesis being plausible? Is it possible to bring qualitative knowledge into statistical modeling in a formal manner? What should we do if a sample is too small or limited to be used in a standard regression model? If you have questions like these, Bayesian statistics can offer you solutions. This workshop introduces Bayesian statistics applied to a variety of political science research. Bayesian statistics is becoming widely used in applied research, enabling flexible modeling and intuitive interpretation. The goal of the workshop is to equip applied researchers with skills in understanding the foundations of Bayesian inference, setting up a Bayesian regression model in the statistical software R for their own research, and interpreting and organizing the outputs. To this end, the major part of the workshop will be dedicated to practical activities.
There are only limited places available, and places are offered in a first-come-first-served basis. If you would like to attend the workshop, please submit the application form here (opens in a new window)here by Thursday 16th January 2020.
Requirement: Basic knowledge of regression and R; a laptop where R and RStudio are installed
Instructor: Dr Akisato Suzuki
Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Politics and International Relations
University College Dublin
email: akisato.suzuki@ucd.ie