- -A. Ivankovic, D. Carolan and N. Murphy. Patent application number 1108967.9, Superhard structure-tool element and method of making same, UK patent office.
- -A. Ivankovic and V. Kanyanta. Cyclic impact fatigue testing of cutting tools. In preparation.
- -A. Ivankovic, Blast impact of surrogate lungs. In preparation.
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
- -D. Carolan, N. Murphy and A. lvankovic. Thermal shock resistance of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32, pp: 2581:2586, 2012.
- -M. Petrovic, A. Ivankovic and N. Murphy. The mechanical properties of polycrystalline diamond as a function of strain rate and temperature. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. Accepted for publication 2012.
- -D. Carolan, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Combined experimental and numerical approach to investigate the fracture of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride. Submitted to Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2012.
- -J. Mohan, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Mode I fracture toughness of co-cured and secondary bonded composite joints. Submitted to Composites Science and Technology, 2012.
- -J. Mohan, A. Karac, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. An experimental and numerical investigation of the mixed-mode fracture toughness and lap shear strength of aerospace grade composite joints. Key Engineering Materials 488-489, pp:549-552, 2012.
- -D. Mc Auliffe, A. Karac, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Characterisation of the fracture energy and toughening mechanisms of a nano-toughened epoxy adhesive. Key Engineering Materials 488-489, pp:573-576, 2012.
- -M. Petrovic, A. Ivankovic and N. Murphy. High rate and high temperature fracture behaviour of polycrystalline diamond. Key Engineering Materials 488-489, pp:670-673, 2012.
- -A. Karac, B.R.K. Blackman, V. Cooper, A.J. Kinloch, S. Rodriguez Sanchez, W.S. Teo and A. Ivankovic. Modelling the fracture behaviour of adhesively-bonded joints as a function of test rate. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78, pp:973-989, 2011.
- -D. Carolan, M. Petrovic, A. Ivankovic and Murphy. Fracture Properties of PCBN as a function of loading rate and temperature. Key Engineering Materials 452-453, pp:457-600, 2011.
- -M. Petrovic, D. Carolan, A. Ivankovic and N. Murphy. Role of rate and temperature on fracture and mechanical properties of PCD. Key Engineering Materials 452-453, pp:153-156, 2011.
- -M. Petrovic, A. Ivankovic and N. Murphy. Fracture behaviour of polycrystalline diamond as a function of loading rates and temperature. Submitted to Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2011.
- -V.J. Law, A. Ramamoorthy and D.P Dowling. Real-time process monitoring during the plasma treatment of carbon weave composite materials. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2011
- -J. Mohan, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Mixed-mode fracture behaviour of co-cured and secondary bonded composite joints. Pending Journal Publication, 2011.
- -J. Mohan, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. The effect of prepreg storage humidity on the mixed-mode fracture toughness of co-cured composite joints. Pending Journal Publication, 2011.
- -J. Mohan, A. Amsarani, N. Murphy, D. Dowling and A. Ivankovic. The effect of an atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on the mode I fracture toughness of co-cured composite joints. Pending Journal Publication, 2011.
- -A. Ivankovic, V. Cooper and A. Karac. Bondgap effects on the fracture behaviour of a nano-toughened epoxy structural adhesive. Pending Journal Publication, 2011.
- -D. Carolan, P. Alveen, A. Ivankovic and N. Murphy. Effect of notch root radius on fracture toughness of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (17), pp:2885-2895, 2011.
- A.J. Brunner, N. Murphy and G. Pinter. Development of a standardised procedure for the characterisation of interlaminar delamination propagation in advanced composites under fatigue mode I loading conditions. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 76 (18), pp:2678-2689, 2009.
- J. Mohan, D. Carolan, N. Murphy, A. Ivankovic and D. Dowling. Influence of an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Surface Treatment on the Interfacial Fracture Toughness of Bonded Composite Joints. SDHM Structural Durability and Health Monitoring 3(2), pp:81-85, 2007.
- -B. Twomey, M. Rahman, G. Byrne, A. Hynes, L.A. O’Hare, L. O’Neill and D. Dowling. Effect of plasma exposure on the chemistry and morphology of aerosol-assisted, plasma-deposited coatings. Plasma Process and Polymers 5, pp:737-744. 2008.
- -M. Rahman, R. Amsarani, D.A. Mooney, J.M.D. MacElroy and D.P. Dowling. Thermal stability studies of atmospheric plasma deposited siloxane films deposited on VycorTM glass. Surface and Coatings Technology 202, pp:4130-4136, 2008.
-D.S. Jones, C.P. Garvin, D.P. Dowling, K. Donnelly and S.P. Gorman. Examination of the surface properties and in vitro biological performance of amorphous diamond like carbon-coated polyurethane. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 78B, pp:230-236, 2006.
-D.P. Dowling, B. Twomey, G. Byrne, L. O’Neill and L.-A. O’Hare. Deposition of functional coatings using an in-line atmospheric pressure plasma apparatus, Society of Vacuum Coaters, 48th Annual Technical Conference, pp:214-218, Denver, April, 2005.
-M. Levesque, K. Derrien, D. Baptiste, L. Mishnaevsky Jr. and M.D. Gilchrist. A micromechanical model for non-linear viscoelastic particle reinforced polymeric composite materials – Undamaged state. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 35, pp:905-913, 2004.
- -M. Levesque, M.D. Gilchrist and B. Fisa. A theoretical study of the tensile test for highly anisotropic composite materials. Composite Materials: Testing and Design. 14th Volume, ASTM STP 1436, C Bakis (Ed.), American Society for Testing and Materials, pp:320-335, 2003.
- -D.P. Dowling, A.J. Betts, C. Pope, M.L. McConnell, R.Eloy and M.N. Arnaud. Anti-bacterial silver coatings exhibiting enhanced activity through the addition of platinum. Surface and Coatings Technology 163-164, pp:637-640, 2003.
- -I. Georgiou, H. Hadavinia, A. Ivankovic, A.J. Kinloch, V. Tropsa and J.G. Williams. Cohesive zone models and the plastically-deforming peel test. The Journal of Adhesion 79, pp:239-265, 2003.
- -I. Georgiou, A. Ivankovic, A.J. Kinloch and V. Tropsa. Rate Dependent Fracture Behaviour of Adhesively Bonded Joints. Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives II, Eds. B. R. K. Blackman, A. Pavan, J. G. Williams, ESIS Publication 32, Elsevier Ltd., pp:317-328, 2003.
Conference Publications
- -J. Mohan, A. Karac, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. An experimental and numerical investigation of the mixed-mode fracture toughness and lap shear strength of aerospace Grade composite joints. Proceedings of the 10thInternational Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2011.
- -D. Carolan, A. Ivankovic and N. Murphy. Numerical investigation into dynamic fracture of PCBN. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2011.
- -D. McAuliffe, A. Karac, N. Murphy & A. Ivankovic. Transferability of Fracture Properties between Peel and TDCB Tests for a Nano-Toughened Epoxy Adhesive. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2011.
- -M. Petrovic, A. Ivankovic and N. Murphy. High Rate and High Temperature Fracture Behaviour of Polycrystalline Diamond. Proceedings of the 10thInternational Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2011.
- -M. Leonard, N Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Continuum Damage Models for Toughened Epoxy Adhesives. Proceedings of the 6th ESIS TC4 Conference, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 2011.
- -D. McAuliffe, A. Karac, N. Murphy & A. Ivankovic. Transferability of Fracture Properties between Peel and TDCB Tests for a Nano-Toughened Epoxy Adhesive Proceedings of the 6th ESIS TC4 Conference, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 2011.
- -J. Mohan, A. Karac, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. An experimental and numerical investigation of the mixed-mode fracture toughness and lap shear strength of aerospace grade composite joints. Proceedings of the 6th ESIS TC4 Conference, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 2011.
- -D. McAuliffe, A. Karac, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Transferability of fracture properties between peel and TDCB tests for a nano-toughened epoxy adhesive. 11th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives, University of York, UK, September 2011.
- -A. Ivankovic, A. Karac, B.R.K. Blackman, V. Cooper, A.J. Kinloch, S. Rodriguez Sanchez and W.S. Teo. Modelling the fracture behaviour of adhesively-bonded joints as a function of test rate - A rate dependent CZM is required to predict the full range of behaviour, Proceedings of the 34thAnnual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Savannah, Georgia, USA, February 2011.
- -D. McAuliffe, A. Karac, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Transferability of adhesive fracture toughness measurements between peel and TDCB test methods for a nano-toughened epoxy, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Savannah, Georgia, USA, February 2011.
- -J. Mohan, A. Karac, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. An experimental and numerical investigation of the mixed-mode fracture toughness and lap shear strength of aerospace grade composite joints. Proceedings of the 34thAnnual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Savannah, Georgia, USA, February 2011.
- -J. Mohan, A. Amsarani, N. Murphy, D. Dowling and A. Ivankovic, The influence of plasma surface treatment on the fracture toughness of peel ply prepared bonded composite joints, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Daytona Beach, Florida, February 2010.
- -J. Mohan, A. Amsarani, N. Murphy, D. Dowling and A. Ivankovic, Enhanced carbon/epoxy composite fracture toughness achieved using atmospheric pressure treatments, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Daytona Beach, Florida, February 2010.
- -V. Cooper, A. Ivankovic, A. Karac, D. McAuliffe, N. Murphy and Z. Tukovic, From bond gap thickness effects to geometric transferability of fracture parameters in structural adhesives - almost final chapter. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Daytona Beach, Florida, February 2010.
- -J. Mohan, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Mode-mixity in co-cured and secondary bonded composite joints. Orally presented at 6th International Congress of Croation Society of Mechanics. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 30thSeptember - 2nd October 2009.
- -A. Safari, A. Ivankovic and Z. Tukovic. Numerical modelling of viscoelastic response of biofilm to fluid flow stress. 6th ICCSM, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2009.
- -J. Mohan, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. Fracture behaviour of aerospace grade composite joints. Poster presentation at UCD College of Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences Innovation Day. Dublin, Ireland. 4th June 2009.
- -V. Cooper, A. Ivankovic, A. Karac, D. McAuliffe, Z. Tukovic and N. Murphy, The effect of constraint on the fracture toughness of adhesively bonded joints. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Savannah, Georgia, February 2009.
- -J. Mohan, N. Murphy and A. Ivankovic. The effect of prepreg storage humidity on co-cured composite joints. Orally presented at 32nd Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. Savannah, Georgia, USA, 15th-18thFebruary, 2009.-A. Safari, A. Ivankovic, A. Karac, M. Walter and E. Casey. A fluid-structure interaction study of biofilm detachment. 1st CMBE, Swansea, UK, 2009.
- -V. Cooper, A. Ivankovic and A. Karac, An experimental and numerical investigation into the effect of bond thickness and width on the fracture toughness, GIC, of adhesively bonded joints. Proceedings of the 5th ESIS TC4 Conference, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 2008. Awarded 2nd place prize.
- -J. Mohan, N. Murphy, A. Ivankovic and D. Dowling. The effect of humidity levels on the fracture behaviour of co-cured composite joints. Poster presentation at 5th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives. Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 7th-11th September, 2008.
- -V. Cooper, A. Ivankovic and A. Karac. A mode I fracture behaviour analysis of adhesively bonded joints. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Fracture, Brno, Czech Republic, 2nd-5th September, 2008.
- -J. Mohan, N. Murphy, A. Ivankovic and D. Dowling. Effect of an atmospheric pressure plasma treatment and humidity levels on the interfacial fracture toughness of co-cured composite joints. Orally presented at 17th European Conference on Fracture. Brno, Czech Republic, 2nd-5th September, 2008.
- -A. Safari, A. Ivankovic and Z. Tukovic. Numerical modelling of viscoelastic response of bacterial biofilm to mechanical stress. 14th Annual Conferences of the Section of Bioengineering, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, 2008.
- -A. Safari, A. Ivankovic and Z. Tukovic. Numerical modelling of fluid-biofilm interaction. 8th WCCM and 5th ECCOMAS, Italy, 2008.
- -A. Safari, A. Ivankovic, A. Karac, M. Walter and E. Casey, A two-phase flow model of biofilm detachment. 31st Annual Meeting of Adhesion Society, Austin, Texas, USA, 2008.
- -V. Cooper, A. Ivankovic and A. Karac, Study of bond thickness effects on the mode I fracture toughness of adhesively bonded joints. Proceedings of The 31st Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Austin, Texas, 2008.
- -A. Safari, A. Ivankovic and Z. Tukovic, A fluid-structure interaction approach to the investigation of detachment from bacterial biofilms. 13th Annual Conferences of the Section of Bioengineering, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, 2007.
- -V. Cooper, A. Ivankovic and A. Karac, Fracture behaviour of adhesively bonded joints in tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB) tests. Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Madeira, Portugal, 2007.
- -J. Mohan, D. Carolan, N. Murphy, A. Ivankovic and D. Dowling. Influence of an atmospheric pressure plasma surface treatment on the interfacial fracture toughness on bonded composite joints. Orally presented at 6th International Conference on Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics. Madeira, Portugal, 17th-19th July, 2007.
- -V. Cooper and A. Ivankovic, Measurement of traction-separation curves for structural adhesives. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Tampa Bay, Florida, 2007.
- -V. Cooper, B.R.K. Blackman, A. Ivankovic, A. Karac, A.J. Kinloch, S.R. Sanchez and W.S. Teo, Stick-slip crack propagation in adhesively bonded joints. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, 2006.
- -V. Cooper, A. Ivankovic, N. Murphy and S. Regan, Measurement of Traction-Separation Curves for Structural Adhesives. Proceedings of the 9thInternational Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives, Oxford, UK, September 2005.