
Systems Biology Ireland (SBI) specialises in cellular signal transduction investigation with a particular focus on development of new diagnostics and treatment strategies for diseases. The centre has expertise in:

  • Drug target and biomarker discovery
  • Patient stratification and sub-population characterisation
  • Combination therapy prediction and screening
  • Protein-Protein interaction profiling
  • Computational network inference and modelling
  • Dynamic mechanistic disease models

We collaborate nationally and internationally to produce high impact research that delivers tangible results for patients and clinicians.

Systems Biology

The communication networks inside the human body are incredibly complex with millions of cells constantly ‘talking’ to each other. Occasionally, these communication networks can break down or messages can misfire leading to diseases such as cancer.

Deciphering how cells ‘talk’ to each other is the task of systems biology. SBI researchers apply mathematics and computer science to enormous data sets arising from biological techniques.



SBI Mission


Since 2009, SBI investigators have published more than 495 research and review articles in journals with an average impact factor of 7.0. Over this same period, the group has identified and validated numerous new and promising therapeutic targets for treatment of breast cancer, melanoma, neuroblastoma, and colorectal cancer.


The SBI team has secured over €79.2M in funding from both national and international funding bodies.